Elements defined


instantiationPart is a container that allows the instantiation to be split into multiple parts, which can describe the parts of a multi-section instantiation, e.g., a multi-disk DVD or vitagraph record and 35mm reel that are intended for synchronous playback. It contains all of the elements that a pbcoreInstantiation element would typically contain.

Usage: optional, repeatable


  • startTime: optional | The startTime attribute combines with the endTime attribute to define a specific media segment within a broader timeline of an asset and/or instantiation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.
  • endTime: optional | The endTime attribute combines with a similar value in the startTime attribute to define a specific media segment within a broader timeline of an asset and/or instantiation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.
  • timeAnnotation: optional | The timeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.


  • instantiationIdentifier: required | instantiationIdentifier contains an unambiguous reference or identifier for a particular instantiation of an asset.
  • instantiationDate: optional | instantiationDate is a date associated with an instantiation.
  • instantiationDimensions: optional | instantiationDimensions is an element that specifies either the dimensions of a physical instantiation, or the high-level visual dimensions of a digital instantiation
  • instantiationPhysical: optional | instantiationPhysical is used to identify the format of a particular instantiation as it exists in a physical form that occupies physical space (e.g., a tape on a shelf). This includes physical digital media, such as a DV tape, audio CD or authored DVD, as well as analog media.
  • instantiationDigital: optional | instantiationDigital is used to identify the format of a particular instantiation of an asset as it exists as a digital file on a server, hard drive, or other digital storage medium. Digital instantiations should be expressed as a formal Internet MIME types.
  • instantiationStandard: optional | If the instantiation is a physical item, instantiationStandard can be used to refer to the broadcast standard of the video signal (e.g. NTSC, PAL), or the audio encoding (e.g. Dolby A, vertical cut). If the instantiation is a digital item, instantiationStandard should be used to express the container format of the digital file (e.g. MXF).
  • instantiationLocation: required | instantiationLocation may contain information about a specific location for an instantiation, such as an organization’s name, departmental name, shelf ID and contact information. The instantiationLocation for a digital file should include domain, path or URI to the file.
  • instantiationMediaType: optional | instantiationMediaType identifies the general, high level nature of the content of an instantiation. It uses categories that show how content is presented to an observer, e.g., as a sound, text or moving image.
  • instantiationGenerations: optional | instantiationGenerations identifies the use type and provenance of the instantiation. For example, the generation of a video tape may be an “Original Master” or “Dub,” the generation of a film reel may be an “Original Negative” or “Composite Positive,” an audiotape may be a “Master” or “Mix Element,” and an image may be a “Photograph” or a “Photocopy.”
  • instantiationFileSize: optional | instantiationFileSize indicates the file size of a digital instantiation. It should contain only numerical values. As a standard, express the file size in bytes. Units of Measure should be declared in the unitsOfMeasure attribute.
  • instantiationTimeStart: optional | instantiationTimeStart describes the point at which playback begins for a time-based instantiation. It is likely that the content on a tape may begin an arbitrary amount of time after the beginning of the instantiation.
  • instantiationDuration: optional | instantiationDuration provides a timestamp for the overall length or duration of a time-based media item. It represents the playback time.
  • instantiationDataRate: optional | instantiationDataRate expresses the amount of data in a digital media file that is encoded, delivered or distributed, for every second of time.
  • instantiationColors: optional | instantiationColors indicates the overall color, grayscale, or black and white nature of the presentation of an instantiation, as a single occurrence or combination of occurrences in or throughout the instantiation.
  • instantiationTracks: optional | instantiationTracks is simply intended to indicate the number and type of tracks that are found in a media item, whether it is analog or digital. (e.g. 1 video track, 2 audio tracks, 1 text track, 1 sprite track, etc.) Other configuration information specific to these identified tracks should be described using instantiationChannelConfiguration.
  • instantiationChannelConfiguration: optional | instantiationChannelConfiguration is designed to indicate, at a general narrative level, the arrangement or configuration of specific channels or layers of information within an instantiation’s tracks. Examples are 2-track mono, 8- track stereo, or video track with alpha channel.
  • instantiationLanguage: optional | instantiationLanguage identifies the primary language of the tracks’ audio or text. Languages must be indicated using 3-letter codes standardized in ISO 639-2 or 639-3. If an instantiation includes more than one language, the element can be repeated. Alternately, both languages can be expressed in one element by separating two three-letter codes with a semicolon, i.e. eng;fre.
  • instantiationAlternativeModes: optional | instantiationAlternativeModes is a catch-all metadata element that identifies equivalent alternatives to the primary visual, sound or textual information that exists in an instantiation. These are modes that offer alternative ways to see, hear, and read the content of an instantiation. Examples include DVI (Descriptive Video Information), SAP (Supplementary Audio Program), ClosedCaptions, OpenCaptions, Subtitles, Language Dubs, and Transcripts. For each instance of available alternativeModes, the mode and its associated language should be identified together, if applicable. Examples include ‘SAP in English,’ ‘SAP in Spanish,’ ‘Subtitle in French,’ ‘OpenCaption in Arabic.’
  • instantiationEssenceTrack: optional | instantiationEssenceTrack is an XML container element that allows for grouping of related essenceTrack elements and their repeated use. Use instantiationEssenceTrack element to describe the individual streams that comprise an instantiation, such as audio, video, timecode, etc.
  • instantiationRelation: optional | instantiationRelation is a container for sub-elements instantiationRelationType and instantiationRelationIdentifier to describe relationships to other instantiations.
  • instantiationRights: optional | instantiationRights is a container for sub-elements rightsSummary, rightsLink and rightsEmbedded to describe rights particular to this instantiation.
  • instantiationAnnotation: optional | instantiationAnnotation is used to add any supplementary information about an instantiation of the instantiation or the metadata used to describe it. It clarifies element values, terms, descriptors, and vocabularies that may not be otherwise sufficiently understood.
  • instantiationPart: optional | instantiationPart is a container that allows the instantiation to be split into multiple parts, which can describe the parts of a multi-section instantiation, e.g., a multi-disk DVD or vitagraph record and 35mm reel that are intended for synchronous playback. It contains all of the elements that a pbcoreInstantiation element would typically contain.
  • instantiationExtension: optional | instantiationExtension is an extension element. Extensions are either a wrapper containing a specific element from another standard OR embedded xml containing the extension.

Controlled Vocabularies


<!-- No data here directly; it's within sub-elements instead -->
<instantiationLocation>Shelf 12, Row 7</instantiationLocation>
<!-- No data here directly; it's within sub-elements instead -->
<instantiationLocation>Shelf 12, Row 7</instantiationLocation>