Spreadsheet Templates

This template is designed to provide the simplest version of PBCore for inventory purposes. It contains the most commonly used elements and attributes, with minimal repetition. The template includes controlled vocabularies on the second tab, and a “Help” page on the third tab that provides instructions for how to customize the template by repeating fields and expanding controlled vocabularies. This template cannot be used with the PBCore Cataloging Tool.

This template is identical to the Full PBCore Cataloging Spreadsheet Template, but has most repeated element fields and attribute fields collapsed and hidden from the user’s view for a simpler experience. These repeated element and attribute fields can be re-expanded using Excel’s “unhide” ability. To use this template with the PBCore Cataloging Tool, re-expand all elements once the inventory is completed, and then save as a CSV file.

This template represents PBCore to the fullest extent possible in a flat spreadsheet format, including multiple repititions of each repeatable element and all possible attributes. The spreadsheet has elements and attributes listed on the first tab, and PBCore controlled vocabularies listed on the second tab. This template is designed for use with the PBCore Cataloging Tool, when saved as a CSV file.

This template is designed to create inventories that might include multiple copies of the same assets. The first sheet is for recording the information about each instantiation, the second sheet is for recording the Intellection Content information. The Instantiations can be linked to their Assets by the foreign key column on each sheet.