Ejemplos de Registros

Ejemplos de registros para Elementos Raíz de PBCore

Aquí se pueden encontrar algunos modelos de registros de PBCore para cada root element, tanto en XML como en un formato legible por humanos. Entre ellos se incluyen modelos para un registro de PBCore de Recurso, un registro de PBCore de Instanciación, un registro de PBCore de Recurso que agrupa múltiples Instanciaciones, y un registro de PBCore de Colección que agrupa múltiples recursos. Se pueden utilizar estos registros para ver de qué modo se pueden implementar los conceptos de PBCore en situaciones del mundo real. Seleccione el Elemento Raíz del cual le gustaría ver un ejemplo.

Formato en texto simple
DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT: IDENTIFIER: 12345 Source: PBCore Handbook TITLE: Hamlet DESCRIPTION: Filmed production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Formato XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<pbcoreDescriptionDocument xmlns="http://www.pbcore.org/PBCore/PBCoreNamespace.html" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.pbcore.org/PBCore/PBCoreNamespace.html https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WGBH/PBCore_2.1/master/pbcore-2.1.xsd">
<pbcoreIdentifier source="PBCore Handbook">12345</pbcoreIdentifier>
<pbcoreDescription>Filmed production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet</pbcoreDescription>

Ejemplos de registros reales

Aquí se encuentran algunos ejemplos de registros de organizaciones que utilizan PBCore. Cada organización usa PBCore de un modo ligeramente diferente pues lo adaptan a sus necesidades específicas. Vea si alguna de esas necesidades es similar a las suyas, y si está utilizando PBCore de un modo diferente, puede contactarnos a PBCoreInfo@wgbh.org para agregar un ejemplo de registro a ésta página.

CUNY Export from ProTrack: This record is an example of a mapping performed by CUNY TV from ProTrack to export program metadata in PBCore. Note that in this example, instantiationLocation, a required element, is present to confirm to PBCore's specifications but contains no data.
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KLRU Digitized Multitrack Audio Record: This record from KLRU's Austin City Limits digitization project uses multiple instantiationParts to track the relationships between the multi-track audio reels that make up the physical instantiation and the digital master files created for each track during the preservation process.
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Library of Congress MAVIS Export Mapped to PBCore: This is an example of a PBCore-formatted export from MAVIS, the Merged Audio Visual Information System used for the Library of Congress' audiovisual catalog.
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Yale Audio and Video Records: These records, contributed by Yale University Library, represent an audio and a video asset from their mass digitization project. Their audio PBCore was developed with the help of George Blood Audio Video Film Data, and their video PBCore with the assistance of Media Preserve.
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MediaInfo Digital Instantiation Record: This record is an example of the PBCore 2.1 output from MediaInfo. On more for how to use MediaInfo to generate instantiationDocuments, read our blog post.
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American Archive of Public Broadcasting Records: These records are from the PBCore that underlies the American Archive of Public Broadcasting website. The first has multiple physical and digital instantiations in different locations, while, for the other, only the AAPB's digital instantiations are represented.
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Radio Free Europe Video Record: This record features extensive descriptive and subject cataloging, including multilingual titles and the use of a Description element to store a transcript, as well as multiple digital instantiations representing different generations of a file.
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