PBCore Survey and General Meeting

As the NEH grant that generously supported PBCore Education and Training over the past few years wraps up, we have launched a survey to help us determine future directions and projects that we may want to pursue for PBCore.

Whether you have specific use cases you’d be interested in seeing future projects address, needs that PBCore currently isn’t fulfilling, or just an interest in helping guide future directions of the standard, we want to hear from you! You can access the survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNp6RIdYZdWc5G47UsV5RfufUPmO6t-vN3aFOdlbhLd7mHaw/viewform?usp=sf_link

We will also be holding a general meeting for the PBCore community on Monday, January 29th, at 3 PM ET. If you’re interested in attending the meeting, please email PBCoreInfo@wgbh.org for the Zoom information.

As always, we’re excited to hear thoughts for what would make PBCore more useful and accessible to the community!